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About Precision Microwave

Precision Microwave was founded in April 2017 following successful completion of a Nation Science Foundation I-Corps program where the founding team interviewed over 120 physicians, nurses, hospital administrators, and others to study the clinical needs and pain points with existing MWA systems. Since its inception, Precision Microwave has worked diligently on developing the next generation of microwave ablation technology that will give doctors the flexibility and control they need to treat dramatically more patients and medical conditions with a minimally invasive procedure. Precision Microwave was awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I grant in July 2018. In May 2020 Precision Microwave received a subsequent Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the NSF to continue efforts to commercialize its directional ablation applicator and system. 


Precision Microwave is located in Manhattan, Kansas in an independent office and lab space purpose-built to meet our R&D needs. Precision Microwave maintains close collaborative relationships with a network of physicians specialized in thermal ablation procedures as well as the Kansas State University Colleges of Engineering and Veterinary Medicine.

About Austin Pfannenstiel

Mr. Austin Pfannenstiel is the founder and President of Precision Microwave. He has a MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering and MBA from Kansas State University. His R&D experience includes 6+ years developing novel microwave technologies for precise, image-guided thermal ablatio. Mr. Pfannenstiel is a co-author on one granted and four patent applications specific to MWA technologies.


Mr. Pfannenstiel’s other experience includes eight years of service as a US Navy submarine officer. During that time, he spent three years on board the USS Nebraska (SSBN 739) where he stood Officer of the Deck, responsible for the ship’s overall safe operation and mission accomplishment; led three divisions of sailors; and administered several critical programs.  He also spent two years as a nuclear power instructor and supervisory engineer where he led a Navy and civilian staff of more than 50 charged with training and qualifying new sailors on an operational nuclear propulsion plant prior to their first tour on a submarine or aircraft carrier.


Mr. Pfannenstiel’s has a strong drive and passion to see new MW ablation technology make a positive impact in patients’ lives.

@2019 by MHK Creative

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